Updated: 08/14/2024

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3Rensho (3 Victories) began as Cyclone Cycles; Yoshi Konno built bikes for Koichi Nakano, who won 10 consecutive professional sprint gold medals on San Rensho bikes. $29.95

Poster for Adler Cycles; archetypal cycle tourist checking his map before setting off on an adventure! Adler, founded 1880, specialized in touring bikes, ended production in 1954 to concentrate on sewing machines and typewriters. $29.95

Poster of Alcyon Cycles; "light, fast, Alcyon travels the world." Alcyon won seven Tours de France in the early years! $29.95

Allegro, founded 1914, was considered the premier manufacturer of Swiss racing bicycles. Crest appears on left side of chest and Allegro logotype appears on shirt back. Only available on white T-shirt. $29.95

Poster for Atala by Antonio Mazza shows three brothers laughing while clowning around on an Atala pista. $29.95

Poster for Atala in a striking Art Deco style of a true grimpeur climbing the capital A. $29.95

Advertisement from the twenties featuring Automoto's famous logotype; Ottavio Bottecchia riding the letters like a bike. Bottecchia won the Tour de France in 1924 and '25 riding an Automoto. $29.95

Poster from the thirties by LeonettoCappiello featuring Automoto and the French aperitif Byrrh, a blend of red wine and tonic water. $29.95

Art Deco style poster for Bauer-Werke, established 1911 in Frankfurt, Germany of a stylish couple enjoying their matching bikes. $29.95

Great Russian poster shows Beelzebub the Devil sprinting around the last turn of the velodrome on his Triangle Bicycle Wheels! Triangle was founded in St. Petersburg in 1860! $29.95

The Devil riding an early Bianchi fixed-gear looking like he's on his way to a costume party. $29.95

Whimsical Bianchi poster from 1924 created by Depero Fortunato (March 30, 1892 - November 29, 1960) in the Italian Furturist style. $29.95

"Bicycle Bianchi The Best" is what it says in Italian; reproduced from a 1940s shop sign in the trademark Celeste hue favored by this, one of the oldest bicycle manufacturers still in existence. Only available on white T-shirt. $29.95

A French cyclotourist shown climbing in the mountains of France. Brampton Brothers Limited, with its French manufacturing subsidiary at Calais, was purchased in 1925 by Renold. $29.95

The famous winged-wheel with quick release logo from a 1942 pen drawing that appeared in the Italian newspaper, Sport Illustrato. $29.95

The famous winged-wheel with quick release, scanned from the frame decal for bikes equipped with Campagnolo parts. $29.95

Winged-wheel logo small on front, script logo on back of shirt. On white shirts the script logo will appear without the border. $29.95

Featuring the early 1950s Campagnolo derailleurs and hubs and the top cycling stars of the day. $29.95

Seldom seen frame decal from the early 1950s for bikes equipped with Campagnolo parts. $29.95

The Campagnolo Record crank, copied from the original 1950s box featuring a steel plate engraving of one of Tullio's truely iconic and much copied components. Available only on white or light colored shirts. $29.95

Copied from the original 1950s box featuring a steel plate engraving of one of Tullio's iconic components. $29.95

The classic cover image of the 1967 #15 Catalog and most iconic frame equipment decal of all time! $29.95

Probably Tullio Campagnolo's most esoteric and enigmatic part... the ubiquitous blue cardboard thing that retained the Record brake cable adjuster during shipment! Only available on white T-shirt. $29.95

A large sticker applied to a store window back in the early nineteen-eighties, signifying that store was an authorized Campagnolo dealer. $29.95

Campagnolo Spoken Here! An innovative symbol program designed by Campagnolo to quickly identify components. $29.95

Carlton's famous logo with the unique belt border that dates from the Carlton Cycles Ltd. move to the town of Worksop in 1934. $29.95

Enlarged from the half inch wide graphic stamped in the top of the classic steel Cinelli stem starting in 1948. On dark color shirts the logo will be white, on light color shirts the logo will be black. $29.95

Enlarged from a small colored pen and ink drawing of the Cino Cinelli & C logo on the front page of their 1949 catalog. $29.95

A wonderful fifties widow sticker advertising Cino Cinelli & C bars and stems. $29.95

Built by Giovanni Pelizzoli starting in 1969, CIOCC had great success in amateur racing: U23 1977 Worlds and also with the Polish National Team at the 1980 Moscow Olympics. Ciocc was Giovanni's nickname: "poker faced". $29.95

From a beautifully moody (almost Fellinesque) poster advertising Clément, the world's premier manufacturer of tubular racing tires. $29.95

Charming illustration from a famous seventies Colnago advertising sticker. On color shirts graphic will appear with a white background and Italian green, white & red border. $29.95

One of the icons of Italian cycling... the ubiquitous Columbus SL tubing sticker. $29.95

Striking image of a woman cyclist encouraging her greyhound to keep pace for Cosmos Bicycles of Biel, Switzerland. They began manufacturing bicycles in 1894. $29.95

Famous German bike company that was founded 1885 in Chemnitz, Germany and is still producing bikes to this day. This 1920s logo features their precocious mascot, Little Chemnitz. $29.95

Founded in 1890 in Paris this illustrious marque won many races in the early years; Maurice Garin won both Paris-Brest-Paris and the Tour de France riding for La Francaise. $29.95

Fedia Räder, a turn of the century German bike company; wonderfully graphic image of a red devil sprinting on a Fedia bike. $29.95

Recreation of a Frejus T-shirt from Tommy Avenia's beloved shop in New York City. Available only on white T-shirt. $29.95

Francesco Galmozzi, a Milan frame builder, built for a long list of champions. The famous headbadge is actually a play on the maker's name in the form of a rebus: gallo = rooster, mozzi = hub. Available only on white T-shirt. $29.95

Guerciotti was founded in 1964 in Milan, Italy, by former cyclocross racers, Paolo and Italo Guerciotti, with advice and assistance from Cino Cinelli. In 1984 Antonio Mondonico became a partner and produced about 2,000 frames a year; partnership ended in 1989. $29.95

Louison Bobet won his three Tours with Huret derailleurs. And of course there was the later innovative Alvit and the lightest rear derailleur ever, the Huret Jubilee. $29.95

Beautiful two color ad for Idéale, Tron & Berthet saddles featuring their lightweight mod. 57 saddle. $29.95

Stunning graphic with the Idéale logo dating from the turn of the century and a pen and ink Daniel Rebour rendering of the famous mod. 90 with the Rebour stamp in the top signifying the proprietary softening treatment. $29.95

The marque dates to 1902 and was made famous by Alfredo Binda, Gino Bartali and Fausto Coppi. $29.95

The company dates to 1902 and was made famous by Alfredo Binda, Gino Bartali and Fausto Coppi. The beautifully stylized poster features the warrior Alberto da Giussano from the Battle of Legnano in the 12th century. $29.95

Poster of the iconic Dural Forge MAFAC ( Manufacture Auvergnoise de Freins et Accessoires pour Cycles) centerpull brake introduced in 1952, boasting of its superiority with the phrase "One Finger Is Enough!" $29.95

Manufacture d'Articles Vélocipediques Idoux et Chanel spells MAVIC, the originator of the aluminum bicycle rim in 1926. $29.95

Molteni sponsored an Italian professional team active from 1958 until the end of 1976. The team garnered 663 wins, many of them earned by its most famous rider Eddy Merckx. $29.95

Nervex Professional Series lugs, one of the icons of lightweight bikes; introduced around 1950, this ornate lug pattern was found on everything from Peugeots to Masi over the years. $29.95

Nervex Professional Series lugs, one of the icons of lightweight bikes; introduced around 1950, this ornate lug pattern was found on everything from Peugeots to Masi over the years. $29.95

Ad for Nervex mixte frame lug set; this ad appeared in the 1948 French Bicycle Trade Directory, "Botin du Cycle." $29.95

Nervex Professional Series lugs, one of the icons of lightweight bikes; introduced around 1950, this ornate lug pattern was found on everything from Peugeots to Masi over the next thirty years. $29.95

Wonderful 20s poster of a Goddess triumphantly holding up a Peugeot bicycle while standing on top of the world! $29.95

Memorable late twenties poster by Georges Favre of Peugeot's iconic lion striding across the globe with a beautiful Peugeot city bike held in his jaws. $29.95

Light and strong... both the Peugeot city bike and the fashionable young lady effortlessly carrying her Peugeot up the stairs. $29.95

Peugeot's famous black and white checkerboard design first seen on Team Peugeot racing bicycles in 1963. Only available on white T-shirt. $29.95

Peugeot's famous black and white checkerboard design first seen on Team Peugeot racing bicycles in 1963 plus Worlds Bands. Only available on white T-shirt. $29.95

One of the acknowledged masters of post war Italian frame builders, Sante Pogliaghi set up his shop in his uncle Pierre Brambilla's shop in 1947 and closed it in 1983. Logo without border will appear on white shirt. $29.95

Delightful poster shows a lovely young lady effortlessly dropping a scorcher with the aid of "The Raleigh Marvellous Three Speed Gear." $29.95

Times have come full circle... young women and men riding their bikes to work saving time and money back then and now, a new beginning. $29.95

Pin-up ace Archie Dickens' rendering of a beautiful girl with an Audrey Hepburn pixie-cut and a classic Sturmey-Archer 3-speed equipped lady's bike. $29.95

Another beautiful Archie Dickens pin-up at the beach with an Audrey Hepburn pixie-cut and a classic Sturmey-Archer 3-speed and electric light equipped lady's bike. $29.95

One of the icons; beautiful box art from the 1960s with colorful international flags extending from one side of an Oro freewheel and a Regina chain from the other. $29.95

"Cycling's Golden Age Was Built With Reynolds 531." This style Reynolds decal set was illustrated in the 1936 brochure that introduced 531 tubing. Triangular fork decal appears on right sleeve. $29.95

I guess you could call the way this Parisian tandem makers bikes ride as "Out of this World"... literally! $29.95

Wonderful example of 1930s Art Deco graphics (letter S forms a derailleur) from this highly respected French derailleur manufacturer. On white shirts the logo will appear without the border. $29.95

From a famous 1950 wall plaque advertising the new 1950 Simplex Tour de France derailleur. $29.95

A 1960 redesign of the 1930s Art Deco logo (letter S forms a derailleur) from this highly respected French derailleur manufacturer. Only white and light grey shirts have the "Brevete Made in France" text. $29.95

Beautifully detailed technical drawing by Daniel Rebour of the A. Singer Galibier, winner of the 1945 Grand Prix Duralumin A Colmar. French blue, white & red border. On white shirts the graphic will appear without the border. $29.95

The distinctive Stronglight 1930s logo of this innovative French manufacturer of aluminum alloy cranks and other cycling components. $29.95

Humorous Sturmey-Archer poster of winged 3-speed hub assisting Archie up a hill while he enjoys his cigarette and a wave Cheerio! $29.95

Colorful poster of Sturmey-Archer's product range of hubs from this English manufacturer. $29.95

Poster for introduction of Sturmey-Archer's 3 and 4 speed alloy hub shells with amusing image of flying hub pushing a rider smoking a cigarette up a grade. $29.95

Cute SunTour Products Spaceman logo. The "8.8.8." is a favorable number, associated with prosperity. Only available on white T-shirt. $29.95

T.A.s first logo featuring their aluminum chainrings and mascot "FIFI" perched in the famous T.A. plastic water bottle. Large logo on back and mascot on left front of shirt. Available only on white or light colored shirts. $29.95

T.A. magazine ad featuring their double and triple aluminum chainrings; TA the Marque of Champions. $29.95

Beautiful graphic poster for Torpedo bicycles by the famous German print maker, Ludwig Hohlwein. $29.95

Window Sticker for 3ttt bars and stems, "The Handelbar Of Aces" from the early 1970s. On shirts other than white there will be a circular black border. $29.95

Print of box top artwork depicting a racer flying down a dirt road in the mountains with his adversaries crashing in the background because they aren't using Universal brakes! $29.95

Since 1945 this famous French toolmaker has been supplying tools to the cycling industry. $29.95

A poster by Fritz Rehm designed in the Vienna Secession style for Victoria-Werke AG, a bike and motorcycle maker in Nurnburg from 1886 till 1958. $29.95

A truely "electrifying" image by artist Paul Mohr for this St. Etienne, France based bicycle company! $29.95

Wonder Cycles making a big splash with the cycling media and public by winning races! $29.95

Colorful 70s logo of this exotic Spanish component manufacturer. Founded by Luis Arregui in Eibar, Spain in 1926, Zeus was the only company in modern times to build a complete professional bicycle (frame and components). $29.95
Shirt Size Comparison Chart: IMPORTANT! Measure one of your own T-shirts and compare it to the measurements in the chart! Shirt width is measured across the chest below the arms and length is measured from the front neck top to the hem bottom. All chart measurements are in inches.